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会议简介 Conference Introduction

2023年IEEE中国智慧乡村论坛将于10月15日至16日在山西太原举办,此次会议的主题是“绿色低碳与智慧乡村”,聚焦农村及贫困地区的绿色可持续发展。会议特别邀请诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·科曼教授、中国科学院周孝信院士、IEEE PES主席卞建华博士等嘉宾现场出席,同时邀请国内外著名专家学者与行业领袖做主题报告,以及70余位各国有关行业的专家、教授、企业家、社会组织共同探讨中国特色的智慧乡村绿色低碳发展。
The 2023 IEEE Smart Village Forum for China, with the theme of " Green Low-Carbon and Smart Village," will be in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on October 15th-16th. The forum aims to focus on green and sustainable development in rural and impoverished areas. The forum specially invited Nobel Laureate Professor Daniel Kammen, Academician Xiaoxin Zhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, IEEE PES Chairman Dr. Jessica Bian and other guests to attend.Distinguished domestic and international academicians, experts, and industry leaders will be invited to deliver keynote speeches. More than 70 experts, professors, entrepreneurs, and social organizations from various countries related to the industry will also be invited to explore China's unique smart village initiatives, green and low-carbon practices, and energy development. 

 地点形式  Venue and Format 


Venue :Shanxi Energy Internet Research Institute 

形式:线下 线上方式参与。

Format:On site & online participation

开幕式时间:2023年10月15日 上午8:30

Opening time: 15/10/2023  8:30 AM

 会议亮点 Conference Highlights 

特邀嘉宾(信息持续更新中)  Special Guests(Information continuously updating) 

国际专家 World-renowned Experts

Daniel Kammen, Nobel Laureate, Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Professor at California Berkeley, USA, Chair of Energy and Resource Management, Advisor of ISV-CWG

赛义夫·拉赫曼, IEEE主席兼CEO,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学电气与计算机工程系教授IEEE终身会士

Saifur Rahman, IEEE President & CEO; Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA; IEEE Life Fellow

卞建华,IEEE PES主席
Jianhua Bian, President of IEEE PES

Rajan Kapur, President of the IEEE Smart Village (ISV), IEEE Follow

Ray Larsen, Chair of ISV Advisor & history; ISV Founder, IEEE Life Fellow

张晓枫,2023 ISVFC共同主席,ISV副主席,ISV-CWG主席
Xiaofeng Zhang, Chair of 2023 ISVFC; Vice President of ISV and Chair of ISV-CWGIEEE Life Senior Member; President of Global Green Development Alliance

Bruno Lequesne 博士,IEEE 会士。ISV SQRS 副主席;IEEE 交通电气化社区主席、IEEE工业应用协会前任主席(2011-2012 年)
Dr. Bruno Lequesne, IEEE Fellow. Vice Chair of ISV SQRS; chair of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, past president of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (2011-2012)


国内专家 Renowned China Experts

Xiaoxin Zhou, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Advisor of ISV-CWG

Yongping Yang, President of North China Electric Power University

Jian Li, Vice President of Chongqing University

孙宏斌,太原理工大学副校长(主持行政工作),IEEE会士,2023 ISVFC共同主席,山西省能源互联网试点专项和山西省能源互联网研究院首席科学家
Hongbin Sun, Vice President of Taiyuan University of Technology, IEEE Follow, Co-Chair of 2023 ISVFC,Chief Scientist of Shanxi Energy Internet Pilot Project and Shanxi Energy Internet Research Institute

    Lijian Ding,Vice President of Hefei University of Technology


Yang Fu, Vice President of Shanghai University of Electric Power


Guoqing Li, Former Party Secretary of Northeast Electric Power University

Zehong Liu, Executive Vice President, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)

Jinfeng Zhou, Vice Chair and Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation

 直播入口  Live  Entrance 





会议组织 Conference Organization 

【联合主办单位Organized by】

IEEE Inc. Beijing Representative Office


IEEE Smart Village - China Working Group (ISV-CWG)

Taiyuan University of Technology 

Shanxi Energy Internet Research Institute 

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, CBCGDF

【协办与支持单位Co-Hosts and Supporters】

IEEE Smart Village Committee (ISV) IEEE智慧乡村委员会

IEEE PES China Chapter Council (PCCC) IEEE PES中国专业分会联合会中国能源研究会能源产业品牌研究与发展分会

Beijing Taoneng Consulting Co., Ltd. 北京韬能咨询顾问有限公司
Key Laboratory of Cleaner Intelligent Control on Coal & Electricity, Ministry of Education 煤电清洁智能控制教育部重点实验室

Shanxi Key Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control 电力系统运行与控制山西省重点实验室
Tsinghua University 清华大学
Chongqing University 重庆大学

North China Electric Power University 华北电力大学

Wuhan University 武汉大学

Beijing Jiaotong University 北京交通大学

Fudan University 复旦大学

Sichuan University 四川大学

Northeastern Electric Power University 东北电力大学

China Agricultural University 中国农业大学

Global Green Development Alliance 全球绿色发展联盟

Silicon Valley Women Association 硅谷女性协会

Shanxi Xiaohe Industrial Finance Research Institute山西潇河产业金融研究院




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